Developmental Support Services

A person is called Intellectually Disabled or Developmentally Disabled when he or she has a severe, chronic disability caused by a mental or physical impairment or a combination of these impairments. This includes intellectually disabled individuals as well as the physically disabled. Developmental Disabilities are sever chrdonic disabilities than can be cognitive, physical or both. Intellectual disability encompasses the 'cognitive" part of this definition, that is, a disability that is broadly related to thought processes.  Typically, the disability is present before age twenty-two and continues indefinitely. Programs for the Intellectually Disabled through Warren-Yazoo Mental Health Service strive to help each person reach his or her best potential.  

Eligibility: Program participants must be at least nineteen with the consent of parent or legal guardian, and a resident of Yazoo County. Final approval is determined through an interview by the staff.

Psychological Evaluation: Prior to enrolling in work activity center program in Yazoo County, each applicant is evaluated by a staff psychologist. While a client remains in the program, progress is evaluated continually by the staff.

Community Support Services: Community Support Specialists monitor the needs of the Intellectually Disabled on an individual basis. Regular visits from a community support specialist enables participants to become more independent in day-to-day living.

Family Counseling: Counseling services assist families in determining ways to best help their loved meet achieve their goals.

Supported Employment: Individuals will have the opportunity to work with a staff member to find an employment opportunity that works best for them. The consumer will be assessed to determine areas of interest and needed supports. Staff will assist in locating job opportunities and providing support on the jobsite as needed. The goal is for the consumer to be trained and to work as independently as possible.

ID/DD Waiver Services
Warren Yazoo Behavioral Health ID/DD Waiver Services provide individualized supports and services to assist people in living successfully at home and in the community and are an alternative to care in institutional settings.

The Home and Community-Based Services ID/DD Waiver offers people with disabilities options and choices for remaining in their own homes. The program is available to persons of all ages who meet the eligibility requirements or (1) receiving Mississippi Medicaid benefits, and (2) requiring a level of care found at an intermediate care facility for the Intellectually Disabled. Services available through the waiver are:

Pre-Vocational Services: Services consist of a wide range of activities designed to lead to vocational skill development.

Residential Habilitation: Assistance with skills related to daily living to enable the individual to reside in a non-institutional setting.

Behavior Support/Intervention: Services to enable individuals who exhibit inappropriate behaviors to benefit from services or to prevent institutionalization.

Supported Employment: Assistance and continued support in securing employment that will match their interest, abilities, and needs.

Day Habilitation: Individual training and support for adults in daily living, social, and communication.

Once it is determined that an individual meets the HCBS-ID/DD Waiver eligibility, the Support Coordinator, the individual or his/her representative, and the eligibility evaluator meet to develop an individual Plan of Care. The Plan of Care is used to determine the type and limit of each service the individual will receive. The Plan of Care must be approved by the Department of Mental Health/Bureau of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and the Division of Medicaid. After the Plan of Care is approved, the Support Coordinator assists the individual in finding all services listed on the Plan of Care; and provides ongoing evaluation to determine if the services continue to be effective and appropriate.\

The HCBS-ID/DD Waiver provides alternatives for disabled persons and their families that have not been available in the past. The addition of this program to the array of services provided by Warren Yazoo Behavioral Health reinforces our goal of providing comprehensive services designed to enhance the quality of life and the independence of those we serve. To find out more about these services, please call 662-746-7363.

Mississippi’s ID/DD Waiverprovides individualized supports and services to assist people in living successfully at home and in the community and are an alternative to care in institutional settings. These Medicaid funded supports and services are available as long as the cost of supporting individuals in the home or community does not exceed the cost of caring for individuals in institutional settings. The ID/DD Waiver includes an array of services aimed at assisting people to live as independently as possible in their home and community.  Services include:  Supported Employment, Home and Community Supports, Supervised Residential Habilitation, Day Services-Adult, In-Home Nursing Respite, Community Respite, ICF/MR Respite, Prevocational Services, Specialized Medical Supplies, Behavior Support/Intervention Services, and Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapy.
Through the ID/DD Waiver and the IDD Community Support Program, the Mississippi Department of Mental Health and Warren Yazoo Behavioral Health are committed in charting a path for increased access to community-based care and supports using a person-centered system of care. 
The IDD Community Support Program (1915i) and the ID/DD Waiver Program offer community support for Mississippians living with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The IDD Community Support Program offers support and services for people with IDD and autism spectrum disorders, and the ID/DD Waiver provides individualized supports and services to assist people in living successfully at home and in the community. 

For Intellectually Disabled adults in Yazoo County, Yazoo Multiflex Industries provides basic education, training in daily living skills, and paid employment. The goal is to help each individual gain new skills, self-esteem, and the pride of accomplishment. 

The Center offers practical education in:

Basic Counting and Simple Math

Job Interviewing

Reading, Writing, Telling time

Problem Solving Survival Vocabulary

Communication Basic Money Skills

Assertiveness Grooming and hygiene

Anger Management Survival Vocabulary

Communication Shopping and Cooking

Health and Physical Fitness

Contract services and jobs are coordinated with area industries and businesses. The clients are receive training to perform specific skill-based tasks. 

Some Yazoo Multiflex services are:

Engraving Services

Assembling mechanical parts for local industry 


Environmental Cleaning Services

For More Information call, 662.746.7363

As defined in the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (P.L. 106-402), the term “developmental disability” means a severe, chronic disability of an individual that:


(A) is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or combination of mental and physical impairment;

(B) is manifested before the individual attains age 22;

(C) is likely to continue indefinitely;

(D) results in substantial functional limitations in 3 or more of the following areas of major life activity: 

     (i) self-care; 

     (ii) receptive and expressive language; 

    (iii) learning; 

    (iv) mobility; 

    (v) self-direction; 

    (vi) capacity for independent living; and 

    (vii) economic self-sufficiency; and

(E) reflects the individual’s need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic services, individualized supports, or other forms of assistance that are of lifelong or extended duration and are individually planned and coordinated.

Developmental Support Services

605 W Willie Morris Parkway, Yazoo City, Mississippi 39194      662-746-7363