Funding partially provided by the State agencies including the Department of Mental Health, the Department of Human Services, and the Department of Transportation. Federal funding is provided by  the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 
Behavioral health touches us all. When a family member, friend, coworker, or neighbor struggles with problems that affect their behavioral health, it concerns everyone around them. WYBH strives to provide exceptional, affordable care that helps individuals of all ages and circumstances feel better, function more successfully, and experience life more fully. Working in partnership with local schools, community organizations, public agencies, and private businesses, we make every effort to provide safe and supportive environments in which individuals and families can get the care they need. We directly reach several thousand individuals each year and compassionately work to improve the well-being of all who live and work in Warren and Yazoo counties.
Working together for a safe and healthy community!
Mental Health First Aid is a groundbreaking public education program that helps the public identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. Four staff members are certified to teach the program which includes a 5-step action plan, evidence-supported treatment, knowledge to help an individual in a crisis connect with appropriate professional , peer, social and self-help care. The certified instructors will teach MHFA to any interested audiences in Warren and Yazoo Counties. Typical classes have included educators, HR professionals, clergy and laymen, primary care professionals, police and first responders, and social workers. 

For more information on the course, please contact Jeanine Hanks at 601.638.0031 or Tiffany Cohea at 662.746.5712.

A town hall meeting was held in Vicksburg on September 26 to address the growing impact of opioids in communities across the state. The meeting was hosted in a partnership with the Department of Mental Health, the Mississippi Targeted Opioid Project,  the Department of Public Safety, the Bureau of Narcotics, the Board of Pharmacy, and the Mississippi offices of the FBI.

Speakers for the event included Steve Parker, Deputy Director of the MS Board of Pharmacy; John , Agent with MS Bureau of Narcotics; Martin Pace, Sheriff of Warren County; Ann Rodio, Project Director for the State Targeted Response Opioid Grant; and Marhsall Fisher, Mississippi Department of Public Safety Commissioner. 

Understanding addiction and strong prevention efforts can be key to keeping Mississippi families safe. While prescription opioids can be obtained from doctors for legitimate needs, they can also carry their own dangers. Misuse of those drugs can lead to physical dependence and, eventually, to full-scale mental addiction when people lose the ability to stop their misuse on sheer willpower alone.

13th National Take Back Day
National Drug Take Back Day
Yazoo County Rx Disposal - Unused, Unwanted, Expired
Total Weight Collected around the nation:
900,386 lbs. 
Total Weight Collected in Mississippi:
4,145 lbs.


Controlled Substances:

1036 Tablets, 677 ml, 15 patches

Over the Counter Medications

1491 Tablets, 65 oz. liquid

Non-Controlled Prescription Medications

6,740 Tablets
860 ml liquid
              Opioid Epidemic                  Town Hall Meeting
A series of three meetings were held in the Spring of 2017 to address the Opioid Crisis and Drug Addiction in Yazoo County. Hundreds attended the meetings to learn about the crises and to talk about how the community could work together to bring solutions. 
Local Agencies Join       Together for Teen Safety